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John B. Coleman Library Ask A Librarian

Kimberly M. Gay

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Kimberly M. Gay
John B. Coleman Library
P.O. Box 519 MS# 1040
Prairie View, TX 77446
Room 126C First Floor


Head of the Reference and Information Services Department
Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian II
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University

M.L.S. Master of Library Science ( 4.0) Summa Cum Laude
Texas Woman's University 2006
B.S. Mass Communication (3.89) Magna Cum Laude
Texas Woman's University 2003

University Library Faculty Liaison areas:
College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Department of Language and Communication - Lead Facilitator
School of Public and Allied Health
Panther’s Fostering Success
University College (Panther Camp/ Orientations) - Lead Facilitator

• American Library Association. Spectrum Scholar Award. 2003.
• Texas Library Association. Spectrum Scholar Award. 2003.
• Beta Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu (International Library and Information Studies Honor Society) 2006- present.
• Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. 2006.
• Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. 2003-present.
• Golden Key International Honour Society. 2001 (lifetime member).
• Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society. 2004 (lifetime member).
• American Association of University Women. 2007-present
• National Society of Collegiate Scholars- Lifetime member 2011(Honor Society 3.4 or higher)
• Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals. Publication 2007.
• Who’s Who Among African American Librarians. Publication 2007.
• Marquis Who's Who in America® 2015 Publication (69th Edition). Outstanding Biography
• Texas Woman’s University. Outstanding Campus Leader Award. 2001; Outstanding Senior Award. 2003; Class Agent. 2003.
• The Montclair Who's Who in Collegiate Faculty™ 2010-2011 Publication Edition.
• Prairie View A&M University- Texas A&M University System. Ten (10) Years of Service Award to the state of Texas. 8/ 31/ 11.
• Prairie View A&M University Service-Learning and Community Service Award. April 28, 2011
• Texas Library Association Black Caucus Chair’s Appreciation Award for Outstanding Service 2013
• National Association of Professional Women (invited member) 2015
• Texas Woman’s University- School of Library Science and Information Studies Self-Study Accreditation Reviewer 2006/2016
• Duke and Emory Universities’’ Copyright Certification for Educators and Librarians Program August 2018
• National Society of Collegiate Scholars. September 2019 Advisor of the month NSCS Advisor Update September 2019
• Marquis Who’s Who- Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award- November 2019
• Awarded USAIN Conference Scholarship For Librarians Representing Historically Black Colleges And Universities >> United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) is a member-focused organization that connects librarians and other information professionals working in agriculture. January 2020
• Certified Elsevier Scopus Database Training Certification. April 2020

• Texas Library Association membership. 2003- Present
• Texas Library Association. Executive Board Representative-at-Large Academic. 2015-2018
• Texas Library Association. Black Caucus Roundtable Councilor Alternate. 2007-2010; Councilor. 2010-2013; Conference Stipend Chair. 2007-; Conference- Chair/Elect 2015-2016; Chair/Elect 2018-2019; Chair 2019-2020
• Texas Library Association. TOPAZ Adult Non-Fiction Reading List committee member 2018-2021
• Texas Library Association. Genealogy Roundtable Chair-Elect. 2007-2008. Chair. 2008-2009. (Archives, Genealogy, and Local History Round Table- AGLHRT)
• Texas State Library and Archives Commission. TexShare Outreach and Instruction Working Group. 2007-2013
• Texas Library Association. 2012 TLA Houston Conference Planning Committee. 2010-2013
• Texas Library Association. Lariat Adult Fiction Reading List Task Force Committee. Reader 2010; Chair-Elect 2013-2014; Chair- 2014-2015
• Texas Library Association: District 8 Nomination Committee 2012-2013
• American Library Association. Spectrum Scholar Initiative Program. Researcher. 2003-2007
• Beta Phi Mu International Library & Information Studies Honor Society- Executive Board Evaluating Scholarship Committee 2014; Chapter President Texas Woman’s University/ University of North Texas 2015-2016
• American Library Association member. 2003-

Contributing Editor of subject specific library resources to the textbook: Public Speaking Handbook with additional readings., 2008, 2010, 2011. Collaborated with Communication and Journalism Department’s faculty to help publish custom-made Speech 1003 Fundamentals of Speech textbook for Prairie View A&M University Fall 2008. Pearson Custom Publishing. Taking from: Public Speaking Handbook, Second Edition by Steven A. Bebe and Susan J. Bebe, 2007.

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John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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