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College of Agriculture and Human Sciences: Home

The College of Agriculture and Human Sciences’ rich tradition dates back to 1879 when Prairie View A&M University expanded its academic curriculum. That’s when, agriculture and home economics began to pave the way for impactful programs that address some

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Find Books

Use the Online Library Catalog to locate books in the library. You might want to start with agriculture and related terms. Most of the books on Agriculture that can be checked out are located  in the S section. You’ll find useful statistics and background information in  the Reference area on the first floor in such Reference books as:

  • Texas Agricultural Statistics Call Number: Ref S 117 .T465
  • Dictionary of Agriculture : From Abaca to Zoonosis Call Number: Ref S 411 .L55 1995
  • Reference Sources in Science, Engineering, Medicine, and Agriculture Call Number: Ref Z 7401 .M278 1994
  • Encyclopedia of agricultural science Call Number: Ref S 411 .E713 1994
  • A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties Call Number: Ref SF 105 M34 1996
  • Cattle a handbook to the breeds of the world Call Number: Ref SF 198 P67 1992
  • Agriculture Information Resource Centers: A World Directory Call Number: Ref S 494.5 I47 A47 2000

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Find Articles

Full-text  journal, magazine and newspaper articles can be found in our online article collections.

If a book or article cannot be found in PVAMU’s resources, it can usually be borrowed from another library. Fill out the Interlibrary Loan form, and please note that it may take several weeks to receive the item.


eBooks: Agriculture

Agriculture Useful Websites

Useful Websites

Agriculture/ Agricultural Websites-Scholarly Research Guides:

Commercial (.com); Educational (.edu); Government (.gov); Organization (.org)

Commercial (.com)

Agriculture Online Home Created by the editors of Successful Farming magazine, this site features agricultural news, discussions, and other related information.

Agriculture News – Agriculture Industry Today Latest agriculture & farming news for agriculture industry professionals & analysts. Breaking ag commodities prices & trade news.


TAMU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences The Texas A&M University webpage with an overview, departments, programs, student organizations, scholarships, internships, events, former students, and site search on agriculture.

Government (.gov)

United States Department of Agriculture – Home Describes its main functions, and with a collection of links on current agricultural news and research.

National Agricultural Library Part of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, the NAL serves as the nation’s chief information resource for Agriculture Literature.

Agricultural Research Service, USDA

The main in-house research arm of the US Department of Agriculture. Research news, find-a-researcher, consumer and educational information on a wide range. 


NASS - National Agricultural Statistics Service

USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat. 


United States Department of Agriculture - Home

Describes its main functions, and with a collection of links on current agricultural news and research. 


House Committee on Agriculture

Oversees legislation involving farms and farming, forestry, nutrition, rural development, rural electrification and watersheds, and school nutrition . 


National Agricultural Library

Part of the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, the NAL serves as the nation's chief information resource for Agriculture Literature. 

Texas Department of Agriculture

State agency with agricultural marketing and regulatory responsibilities. Includes program, marketing information, farmers' markets, and producer services.


Organization (.org)

Agriculture Law – Guide to Agriculture Law This section covers laws and legal aspects related to agriculture, farming and the environment.

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture Compiles information on serving and promoting the livestock industry in the United States. Includes downloadable technical papers, event and educational materials.

Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Assembles, interprets, and communicates science-based information regionally, nationally, and internationally on food, fiber, agricultural, natural resource.

Head of Reference and Information Services Department, Librarian II

Agriculture Databases

  • AGRICOLA (Agriculture)
  • Science Direct 
  • CRIS (Agriculture)
  • Digital Dissertations
  • GreenR
  • Nature
  • Netlibrary
  • OneSearch ( EBSCOhost)
  • Issues and Controversies
  • JSTOR- advance search
  • ProQuest Digital Dissertations
  • ProQuest Databases
  • Newsbank  (National newspapers)
  • Newsbank (StatBank- U.S. States- Texas
  • SAGE Journals Online
  • Lexis Nexis -Court Cases 


John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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