Title: Knowing your Health Pedigree- tracing your Heart Health through Genealogy.
Come learn the best practices for engaging in researching your family health genealogy.
Photo Credits, Google Images
Resources, Research and Results: Learn best practices for finding relevant and reliable genealogy health information on your own pedigree and learn how to develop a concise methodology for researching records at local, state, national and international levels.
Speaker Introduction and Background
• Class Objectives and Outline
• Genealogy Introduction- resources and guides
• Genealogy Overview the Basics to collecting health data
• Genealogy databases and websites
• Genealogy eHandouts
• Question and Answers ( Q&A)
• Closing Remarks
Why do Genealogy Research
1. To tell the story of the first people of your family
2. To describe what life was like for these settlers, including details of farming, housekeeping, education, religion, and social activities.
3. To identify family Heredity, DNA and family Genes.
4. To compare and contrast the way of life of the early settlers with the way of life in today.
5. To increase appreciation and awareness of the character and way of life of your family ancestors
6. To practice reading, writing, and arithmetic skills using materials from census reports
7. To develop artistic and dramatic abilities to organize and showcase your family pedigree
8. To place the events of the development of your family history in the larger context of American and World history
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