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John B. Coleman Library Course: Introduction to Academic Integrity Workshop: Home

This course looks at The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statements applying to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled or otherwise participating in PVAMU courses, practicals, seminars, and other educational experiences

John B. Coleman Library Course: Introduction to Academic Integrity Workshop

Academic Integrity: PS 502.M1: Political Psychology (Fall 2017)

Images Courtesy of Google

PVAMU Academic Affairs- Academic Integrity Library Online Course

The Academic Integrity Library Online Course is a one hour session taught by the John B. Coleman Library’s Reference and Instruction Librarians who engage information about PVAMU’s academic dishonesty, academic integrity and the PVAMU honor codes, along with information about library researching skills, plagiarism and copyright.

Persons who require communication in a language other than English or with a disability who require alternative means of communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) or should contact Ms. Belinda Lewis at 936-261-3585 in advance.


Contact: PVAMU Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB)

For more information, contact the Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB) Chair at

PVAMU Academic Integrity Website 

International Academic Integrity Council

Head of Reference and Information Services Department, Librarian II

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

Library Hours