Photo Image Courtesy of >> College of Agriculture- Montana State University
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
United States Department Of Agriculture
Land-Grant Colleges And Universities With State, District, Or Territory Name And List Of Institutions
Map of Land Grant Colleges and Universities >>
Journal of Extension >>
The Journal of Extension (JOE) is a rigorous, peer-reviewed journal that brings the scholarship of university outreach and engagement to educators and practitioners around the world. JOE creates opportunities for professionals and students to publish intellectual, creative work; nurtures emerging scholars and new authors for success; encourages professional development; and advances the theory and practice of Extension
Kimberly Gay discussed and displayed some information related to the Cooperative Extension programs as they relate to academic library services. She is compiling a draft libguide showcasing resources at the city, county, state and national levels of Cooperative extension resources for academic librarians who work with cooperative extension agents. Please connect with Kimberly Gay if you have any resources you would like to add to the draft libguide.
Action Items:
Create a professional resource guide for the USAIN website as it relates to CE
Continue to update and add new CE resources
Vetting resources with USAIN members on CE
Create a citation analysis annotated bibliography of CE, CE agents, and academic libraries/librarians
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