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John B. Coleman Library Course: Introduction to Academic Integrity Workshop: PART ONE: Background Information: PVAMU Academic Integrity

This course looks at The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statements applying to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled or otherwise participating in PVAMU courses, practicals, seminars, and other educational experiences

PART ONE: Background Information (Brief introduction to the Academic Integrity Policy)

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Background Information (Brief introduction to the Academic Integrity Policy)

The University Guidelines on Academic Integrity (policy) became effective campus-wide on June 1, 2021. The University Guidelines on Academic Integrity is governed and monitored by the Office of Academic Affairs.

The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement apply to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled or otherwise participating in PVAMU courses, practicals, seminars, and other educational experiences. The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement are essential to the honor system’s success and will be facilitated through various avenues. All Prairie View A&M University students have the responsibility to know and observe the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement.


All members of the Prairie View A&M University community should conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a community of scholars. All students are expected to follow all laws and regulations while maintaining absolute integrity and a high standard of individual honor in scholastic work and personal interaction

PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement

“I will abstain from dishonesty in all scholastic work.”

Student Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for awareness of the University’s Administrative Guidelines on Academic Integrity and for demonstrating honest and ethical behavior in their academic work.  Such behavior includes:

  • Adhering to the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement;
  • Following the instructor’s rules and processes related to academic integrity as directed in the course syllabi and related course documents.
  • Asking the instructor for clarification if the standards of academic performance are not clear;
  • Asking the instructor for clarification if the syllabi, assignments, or grading policies are unclear;
  • Helping to foster a campus environment where academic integrity is expected and respected;
  • Treating each other with courtesy and respect and helping to foster a classroom environment in which all students are treated with courtesy and respect;

Students will be asked to add the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement and their signature to each academic assignment to reinforce and affirm their adherence to the Panther Code of Honor (signature can be wet-signed or electronic).  “I affirm on my honor that I will abstain from dishonesty in all scholastic work”;

Students may be asked to affirm their awareness of the Panther Code of Honor at various points during the academic semester. This affirmation is to remind students that they have already agreed to adhere to the standards of academic integrity, as outlined in the PVAMU Student Handbook.

Library Research: Academic Integrity Assessment

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

Library Hours