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John B. Coleman Library Course: Introduction to Academic Integrity Workshop: HBCU FD Conference 2022: Student Success, Plagiarism and Contract Cheating: Building a Culture of Collaboration between Librarians, Faculty, and Academic Affairs

This course looks at The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statements applying to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled or otherwise participating in PVAMU courses, practicals, seminars, and other educational experiences

HBCU FD Conference 2022: Student Success, Plagiarism and Contract Cheating: Building a Culture of Collaboration between Librarians, Faculty, and Academic Affairs

29th Annual HBCU Faculty Development Network Conference

October 20-22, 2022.. Houston, Texas  

Title of Presentation 

Student Success, Plagiarism and Contract Cheating: Building a Culture of Collaboration between Librarians, Faculty, and Academic Affairs


This workshop will showcase the collaborative models in addressing student success across the spectrum of innovative curriculum instructional design technology on plagiarism and contract cheating. Through building a culture of collaboration between librarians, faculty, and academic affairs, this program will outline the best practices in instituting an Academic Integrity Library Workshop that tackles the guidelines to support student success from the challenges of plagiarism to library resources and services and contract cheating endeavors. The Academic Integrity Library Course is a one-hour session in face-to-face or Zoom format taught by the John B. Coleman Library's Reference and Instruction Librarians.


 This workshop will showcase the collaborative models in addressing student success across the spectrum of innovative curriculum instructional design technology on plagiarism and contract cheating. Through building a culture of collaboration between librarians, faculty, and academic affairs, this program will outline the best practices in instituting an Academic Integrity Library Workshop that tackles the guidelines to support student success from the challenges of plagiarism to library resources and services and contract cheating endeavors. The Academic Integrity Library Course is a one-hour session in face-to-face or Zoom format taught by the John B. Coleman Library's Reference and Instruction Librarians, who engage in information about Prairie View A&M University's academic dishonesty, academic integrity, and the PVAMU honor codes, along with information about library researching skills, citation styles, Contract cheating, plagiarism, and copyright. Participants will be engaged on how to combat plagiarism and contract cheating in their classrooms and how to work with the librarians to host library workshops related to building student success beyond plagiarism and contract cheating issues. Participants will evaluate valid and invalid resources on the pervasiveness of cheating in the classroom. Plus, have the opportunity to look at best practices used by faculty, librarians, academic integrity review board, and academic affairs as it relates to elevating student plagiarism and contract cheating concerns. The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The scope of the problem is academic dishonesty is rampant; students often do not view what they do as cheating. According to the journal Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Contract cheating is the purchasing of custom-made university assignments to submit them. Websites providing contract cheating services often claim this form of cheating is undetectable, and no published research has examined this claim (Dawson and Sutherland-Smith, 2018).

 APA 7th Reference

Dawson, P., & Sutherland-Smith, W. (2018). Can markers detect contract cheating? Results from a pilot study. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(2), 286-293. https://10.1080/02602938.2017.1336746

  Which of the following strands does your proposal fit? (Check all that apply.)*(required)

  1. Innovative Instructional Design & Technology
  2. Student Success
  3.  Teaching & Learning

Please select your preference of presentation length of time. 70 minutes

The strands to which it relates:  collaborative models; active learning and engagement; curriculum design and revision; and educational technology, Diversity and Globalization, Learning Across the Curriculum & Learning Committees

 The method and format:  an interactive workshop with three speakers. Handouts, door prizes will be given

Needed audio-visual equipment:  We will need an LCD projector cart, a projector, and a screen; we will provide our own laptop

Bio-sketch 1: Dr. Cheryle D. Snead-Greene is an Assistant Provost in the Office of Academic Affairs at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). She also serves as the chair of the Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB) at PVAMU. She serves on and is a member of several select committees and professional affiliations including the American Association of University Professors (AAUP); American Sociological Association (ASA); Association of Black Sociologists (ABS); Association of College and University Policy Administrators (ACUPA); Continuing and Online Education Taskforce; Leadership & Mentoring Institute (LMI), Alumni Relations Committee Member; Misconduct Admission Review Team (MART); Southwestern Sociological Association (SSA); Texas Community College Teachers Association (TCCTA); Texas Library Association (TLS) (CAC), Appointed Member; Texas Higher Education Board (THECB), Certification Advisory Council (CAC); University Student Conduct Board Committee (SCB).

A published adjunct sociology instructor, Dr. Snead-Greene remains involved in several academic research projects. Dr. Snead-Greene is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin (Ph.D.), Kent State University (M. A.), Prairie View A&M University (M.A.), and the University of Akron (B.A.).  She is also a graduate of the Leadership and Mentoring Institute at Savannah State University.

Bio-sketch 2: Ms. Kimberly Michelle Gay is a Head of the Reference and Information Services Department and Academic Reference and Instruction Librarian II at the John B. Coleman Library of Prairie View A&M University.  She has been a member of the staff of PVAMU and a part of the Texas A&M University System for about 20-years. She teaches Reference Library Instruction classes covering undergraduate and graduate course as they relate to researching scholarly academic sources, Web 2.0 and beyond technology, Copyright and Plagiarism, Citation styles and more.  She serves on the Learning Effectiveness Core Team for PVAMU. She also serves as a member on the HBCU Information Literacy Leadership Institute and the HBCU Library Alliance. Along with her more than 15-years of service as a PVAMU Student Conduct Hearing Board Panel Member. Her certifications include: Certified Duke and Emory Universities’’ Copyright Certification for Educators and Librarians Program. August 2018; PVAMU Center for Instructional Innovation and Technology Services – Canvas Online Instructor Certification Training (Quality Matters and Introduction to Teaching Online). August 2020; Certification Institutional Review Board (IRB). Certified Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) TAMU-PVAMU member ID 4588190; PVAMU Academic Integrity Certification. April 2021; Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Online Advanced Student Engagement Workshop Certification. United Negro College Fund (UNCF) x Strategic Education Inc. (SEI) | University Partnerships. July 2021; Evidence Syntheses Institute- Library Researching Strategies. Certificate of Participation from Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, Cornell University Library, The University of Minnesota Libraries. March 2021; Open Education Resources- Texas OER Core Elements Academy 2021 Certification, August 2021; Plus, she works with as a Library Faculty Liaison for the College of Business, Department of Languages and Communications, College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, College of Engineering, School of Architecture, University College and the College of Education.  She graduated Magna Cum Laude 3.89 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication (Print Journalism) in 2003 from Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas. She went on to receive a master's degree in Library Science and Information Studies, Suma Cum Laude 4.0 from TWU in May 2006. 






APA 7th Annotated Bibliography: plagiarism OR Cheating OR “academic integrity”

Contract Cheating: What is Contract Cheating? Why Does it Matter?

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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