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Scholarly Communication & Institutional Repository: Best Practices and Disciplinary Guidance

Scholarly communication(SC) is the process by which academics, scholars, and researchers share and publish their research findings so that they are available to the wider academic community and beyond.

Data management

Data Citation


Data Citations

Citing research data in a manner similar to traditional scholarly works can help ensure proper attribution, improve reproducibility, improve discoverability, and help provide credit for data as a scholarly output. According to Force11'sexamples of Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles and the Digital Curation Centre's How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications Data should be cited as follows:

  • Include an in text citation near the claims relying on the data in the form of the citation style required by publisher. Additional information may also be included in the in text citation, such as portion of data set used. Force11 gives the example: [Author(s), Year, Portion or Subset of Data Used].

  • Full citations should be included in the reference list, following the format of the required citation style. Ball and Duke provide a comprehensive list of data citation elements.  If no format exists, Force11's examples recommend: Author(s), Year, Dataset Title, Data Repository or Archive, VersionGlobal Persistent Identifier.

  • Give permanent identifiers, such as DOIs or ARKs, in the form of a linked URL if possible.

  • Cite data sets at the most detailed level possible and provide version if appropriate.

  • When citing a dataset, notify the repository so a link can be added to your paper if possible.

Further Resources

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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