College of Juvenile Justice Collaboration- Article Title: PROTOCOL: Effectiveness of parent-engagement programs to reduce truancy and juvenile delinquency: A systematic reviewThis review aims to synthesize the evaluation evidence for parent-engagement programs that focus on reducing juvenile truancy as the primary outcome. Delinquent behavior will be assessed as a secondary outcome when included. This objective is guided by the following research questions: (1) what is the effectiveness of parent-engagement programs for children in preschool (ages 4–5) through secondary education (ages 13–19) on primarily (a) reducing student truancy (i.e., unexcused or unauthorized absence) and secondarily (and when included) (b) reducing delinquent behaviors? (2) Is there variability in the effectiveness of parent-engagement programs across moderators such as gender, age, grade levels, settings, and contexts? (3) What factors (e.g., groups, settings, and contexts) explain the variability in the effectiveness of engagement programs in a multivariate framework?
Sesha Kethineni, Susan Frazier-Kouassi, Yuki Shigemoto, Wesley Jennings, Stephanie M. Cardwell, Alex R. Piquero, Kimberly Gay, Dayanand Sundaravadivelu
First published: 04 August 2021