Evidence Synthesis Institute for LibrariansThis institute will be fully funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and at no charge for accepted applicants. The Institute is aimed at library staff supporting evidence syntheses in topics outside of the health sciences and will cover
overview of systematic reviews and similar methodologies,
guidelines and standards,
search strategy development,
software tools,
quality assessment, and
systematic review services.
The next institute will occur virtually on August 3-6, 2021. The application (form is embedded on this page) period for the August 2021 Institute is May 13-June 11, 2021. Applications will be screened and prioritized based on urgency of need, existing knowledge gap, disciplines supported by applicant, and potential impact of training. International applicants are welcome to apply. Due to our funding, we are limited in the number of applicants we can accept from outside the U.S. Questions about the Evidence Synthesis Institute could be sent to sysreview@umn.edu. More information on the IMLS proposal and the partnership between University of Minnesota, Cornell University, and Carnegie Mellon University are available at IMLS.gov, RE-246347-OLS-20.