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SciFinder: John B. Coleman Library Database : Databases: Chemistry

SciFinder, produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), is the most comprehensive database for the chemical literature, searchable by topic, author, substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures,

Databases: Chemistry

Science Database 


This ProQuest database is a resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s.



Search for peer-reviewed journals, articles, book chapters and open access content. Full text for selected subscribed journals, abstracts for non-subscriptions, some open sources available.



SciFinder® is your portal to chemistry and related information providing easy access to the most trusted collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references in the world curated by expert scientists, not robots. Leading pharmaceutical and chemical corporations as well as top academic institutions and government labs rely on SciFinder to keep up to date on and leverage the latest advances in science.

To access, register a personal account from this link
Then, login to SciFinder with the account login information from anywhere.

SciTech Premium Collection 


The SciTech Premium Collection includes the Natural Science Collection and Technology Collection databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications and more. For researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline.



Scopus is a source-neutral abstract and citation database curated by independent subject matter experts. It places powerful discovery and analytics tools in the hands of researchers, librarians, institutional research managers and funders.
Scopus generates precise citation search results and automatically updated researcher and institution profiles, creating richer connections between people, published ideas, and organizations. In addition to protecting the integrity of the scholarly record, Scopus helps bolster institutional research performance, rank and reputation.

Springer Journals 


A complete list of journals and some ebooks from Springer. Disciplines include:
Biomedicine, Business and Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environment, Geography, History, Law, Life Sciences, Literature, Materials Science, Mathematics, Medicine & Public Health, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Social Sciences, Statistics.

John B. Coleman Library
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