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KIC Bookeye Scanner: Home

KIC Bookeye Scanner




There is one KIC Bookeye 4 scanners: at the John B Coleman Library near the elevator

  • Step-by-step directions are on the scanner (and below)
  • Pages can be scanned flat or in a V-cradle mode (less strain on the spine)
  • Documents can be saved in several formats (e.g, pdf, jpeg, and png)
  • Handles materials up to 17 x 24 inches, scans in black & white, grayscale or color. Scans from 100 to 600 dpi resolution
  • Save to USB flash drive or send to email account
  • There is no attached printer

Instructions - Using KIC in Four Easy Steps


Instructions for Quick Scan

Step 1: Document Placement

The scanner has movable cradles for the left and right side of books. The cradle can be left flat (i.e. at 180°) for scanning flat, unbound material, or raised to 120° for gentle handling of books or other types of bound material that flat scanners may damage.

To scan, place your document in the middle of the scanner bed. A horizontal laser will appear. 

Placing Document on Bookeye 4’s Scanner Bed

Many bound documents must be held open to get them to lay flat. If you need to use your thumbs to hold the pages down, the scanner’s automatic cropping function will perform best if you make a fist with each hand and hold the book open with your thumbs extended as shown in the image above. The image of your hands will be removed automatically, or you can crop them in the Modify Image(s) tab.

Step 2: Copyright Notice

Initial Interactive LCD Touch Display Screen

Select Scan, then answer the copyright notice/question.  Touch Accept and the scan session will begin automatically.


Step 3: Scanning Documents

A few seconds after accepting the copyright statement, the first scanned image will be displayed on the screen. If the KIC system detects that the document being scanned is a book, the system automatically splits the left from the right pages into two different images. A thumbnail image of each scanned page is displayed at the top of the interactive touch screen.

LCD Display Screen showing Scanned Image

To continue scanning additional pages, touch Scan.

Thumbnails with Scan Controls on the Touch Screen

Repeat this step to scan additional images. Users may use foot pedal or green buttons to scan.

Modify images under the Scan 'Change Settings' option (resolution, color, brightness, contrast) and/or Modify Scan(s) (rotate, crop, color, brightness, contrast) tab.

Select More output options if you wish to change the file format from readable PDF to either JPEG, PNG, Rich Text


Step 4: Saving the Images

USB - To save scanned images to a USB flash drive, plug a USB flash drive into the upper right of the cabinet. The system will automatically detect it. Then press the Save Images to USB Drive button to save the images to the USB drive.

EMAIL - If you do not insert a USB flash drive you will be prompted to send to an email address. You can use any email address.

SMART PHONE or TABLET - Choose 'Save to Tablet or Smart Phone using QR Code Download', then scan the QR code

After saving images, choose to continue scanning, outputting or end session:

See the attached file below for the KIC Bookeye Help Guide.

High Resolution scan (up to 600 dpi)

Instructions for High Resolution scan (up to 600 dpi)

Step 1: Place item on the bed

Step 2: Choose Change Settings. Select desired resolution.

Step 3: Select Scan and accept Copyright Notice

Step 4: Save or Send file

Bookeye Scanner Instructions - Work Flow

Instructions for BookEye Scanner


Bookeye & OPUS FreeFlow Scanning Procedures

Scanning Procedures

  • Turn on the computer and log in as yourself with the username & password.
  • Turn on the Bookeye scanner by pressing the start button on the machine. It may take a few minutes for the scanner to fully boot up. Open the OPUS FreeFlow software.
    • For the cover scan, put the document in the middle of the platforms and have the red laser line in the bottom 1/3 of the document.  You may need to place a white piece of paper under the document.
  • In OPUS, click “New Objectand Name the new object with the document name (do not need to add underscores, i.e.- State of the Texas Address 1938) and then click OK.
  • Scanning:
    • For the cover scan, make sure the Color box is checked in the Scanner Settings box on the left menu. Then click the Scan Now” box, or press the Start button on the scanner.
    • For content page scans, either keep the color setting or change the setting to B&W or Grayscale (changes according to collection). You may have to move the platforms to make the pages as flat as possible.  Then press the Scan Now” box again.
  • If you are finished scanning and not doing Image Treatment, turn off the Bookeye scanner by pressing the Stop button on the scanner until the scanner says “Shutting off.” Also, be sure to shut the computer all the way down.

Image Treatment

  • When you have finished scanning, go to the Image Treatment tab.
  • Make sure the “Select to adjust content clips button on the top menu is selected.
  • For the cover, adjust the content box to include the entire cover. Also, make sure the skew is adjusted so that the text is straight.
  • To adjust the content:
    • Click anywhere in the box and drag to move.
    • Click on blue rectangles on the edges of the content box and drag to change the content box size.
    • Click on green rectangles on the edges of the content box and drag to change the rotation/skew.
  • Go to the second page and adjust to make the content boxes include all text (either a single page or both)
  • Click on “Change Images Dependency” and select Image selection “From current image to the end” and then click on “Make Dependent.”
  • For the first two pages spread with text on both pages, adjust the content boxes to be correct. To get a second box on the pages, click the mouse (left button) over the text.
  • In the top box in the left menu, change Content & Skew to Manual. Then click “Apply Manual Changes from Here to the End of Object.” Make sure “Apply manual changes to subsequent images only” is checked.
  • Click the “Perform IT on All Images” button.  This operation may take a few minutes.
  • When finished, look at each page to make sure each page is skewed correctly, all text is legible, and the bookbinding is not visible (as much as possible).
    • If you adjust the box on a page, click on “Perform IT on Current Image.”
    • If you change the size of a box, you will be changing the size of every text box.


  • When you are finished with Image Treatment, go to the Export tab.
  • Click “Export Images.”
  • Make sure the JPEG and PDF options are checked.  Also, Multi-Page Image under JPEG and Searchable under PDF is checked.
  • Click OK. This operation may take a while. It is finished when you get a message under the “Logs” heading. Example: Information: PDF File executed successfully.
  • Click Close, and then go to the desktop.  OPUS will have created a numbered folder on the desktop.
  • Click the folder and rename the PDF and the multi-image JPEG with the correct document name (this time you need to include the underscores, i.e., State_of_the_State_Address_1938)
  • When finished, turn off the Bookeye scanner by pressing the Stop button on the scanner until the scanner says “Shutting off.” Also, be sure to shut the computer all the way down.

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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