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PVAMU School of Public and Allied Health: Funding Opportunities Professional Development: Allied and Public Health Webinars, Continuing Education and Organizations

Allied and Public Health Webinars, Continuing Education and Organizations

Texas Local Public Health Organizations

•    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is "the Nation's lead Federal agency for research on health care quality, costs, outcomes, and patient safety."
•    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
•    Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), from the FDA
•    Dept. of Health and Human Services
•    National Cancer Institute
•    National Conference of State Legislatures is a great site for information on state health legislation.
•    National Council of the State Boards of Nursing
•    National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology improves "..the collection, storage, analysis, retrieval, and dissemination of information on health services research, clinical practice guidelines, and on health care technology, including the assessment of such technology."
•    National Institutes of Health (NIH)
•    NIH Electronic Research Administration provides information about grants and other financial resources.
•    National Library of Medicine
•    Office of Human Subjects Research
•    Office for Human Research Protections
• Health & Medicine Resources
•    World Health Organization
•    M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
•    Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
•    Texas Cancer Information
•    Texas Department on Aging and Disability Services
•    Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
•    Texas Department of State Health Services
•    Texas Early Childhood Intervention
•    Texas Health Care Information Collection
•    Texas Hospital Association
•    Texas Public Health Association
•    Texas State Data Center and Office of the State Demographer
•    University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
•    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
•    American Association of Retired Persons
•    American Hospital Association
•    American Medical Association
•    American Public Health Association
•    Center for Health Care Strategies
•    Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
•    Medical Library Association
•    National Association for Home Care & Hospice
•    National Health Information Center
•    National Alliance for Hispanic Health
•    Society of Clinical Research Associates

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