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John B. Coleman Library Ask A Librarian

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Research and Writing: FAQ's--Common questions about library services

Common questions about library services.

Common questions

  1. How do I search for journal articles?

Using the library databases located on the website is often the best way.  However, you can also use Open access resources and Google Scholar.  A librarian can show you how to locate these resources

  1. Why can't I find what I am looking for in the databases; what research tips should I keep in mind when searching databases?

Use Keywords or Key points to find articles, not phrases or sentences.

If you type "What are the behaviors of young adults who use social media" into a database, it will try to find every word--and may not find anything.  Pull out the main points of the sentence and search for those: put the word in one box “social media”, and put other words in the other boxes.

Start a broad, general search and narrow it as you go. Use the database to narrow your search. Use suggested terms to focus your search. After you find one good article look at the subject terms used to index the article and use them to expand or revise your search.

  1. How do you know if an article is peer reviewed?

Not every article published in a peer-reviewed journal has gone through the peer-review process.  Most databases have selection criteria that you can use to limit your search to peer reviewed articles.

  1. How do I know which database is the best for my search?

The A-Z Database list on the library’s website has descriptions of the journal types included in each database.  You can also search by field of study, subject, vendor, etc.  These delimiters can help you pick the best database.

  1. Why can’t I download an entire ebook?

The library acquires eBooks through licensing agreements. These individually negotiated agreements determine how eBooks can be used. Depending on our agreement, you may be limited to the following when accessing e-content:

You may be able to:

  • Download or print portions of a text only or an entire eBook
  • Print content only (no ability to download)
  • Read the content online only

  1. Can a librarian do my research for me?

No, we can direct you to resources but we can’t select, limit or chose what you need for your assignments or research.

  1. Other than finding books and articles, what can a librarian help me with?

Liaison librarians specialize in their field and can help you in those areas, i.e.,  archives and preservation, law, art, history, music, STEM, information technology, etc.  Librarians are often the first to use new technology and they often collaborate with faculty on projects.    Librarians can provide information you may need after you finish your assignments or graduate, such as preventing copyright infringement, how to submit an IRB protocol, publishing your dissertation, etc.

  1. How can I get books that I need but the library doesn’t have?

You can get books, articles, dissertations, etc. through Interlibrary loan.  Depending on where we locate the book or journal the time frame maybe from one hour to weeks.  For most articles we can download and send through email, things that are only in print take longer.

  1. How long can I keep a book out?

The standard due date is three weeks but can be extended to six weeks or for the entire term, depending on the circumstances and if the patron is a student or faculty.

  1. How do I get assistance if I can’t come to the library?

We have a chat service called Ask a Librarian.  You can send your question through the service for immediate answers or next day replies.  You can also email or call librarians directly, the list and contact numbers are located on the website.

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

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