Social justice is a political and philosophical theory which asserts that there are dimensions to the concept of justice beyond those embodied in the principles of civil or criminal law, economic supply and demand, or traditional moral frameworks. Social justice tends to focus more on just relations between groups within society as opposed to the justice of individual conduct or justice for individuals.
By JIM CHAPPELOW, Updated Nov 8, 2019
The Library and Social Justice (Articles)
Gustina, Margo and Eli Guinnee. 2017. "Why Social Justice in the Library?" Library Journal 142 (10): 52-55.
Hughes, Kathleen M. and Scott G. Allen. 2020. A Chorus of Voices Doing Important Work: PLA's Equity & Social Justice Workshops American Library Association.
Martin, Elaine Russo. 2020. "Democratic Librarianship: The Role of the Medical Library in Promoting Democracy and Social Justice." Journal of the Medical Library Association (1): 131. doi:10.5195/jmla.2020.852.
Torres, Carlos Alberto and Massimiliano Tarozzi. 2020. "Multiculturalism in the World System: Towards a Social Justice Model of Inter/Multicultural Education." Globalisation, Societies and Education 18 (1): 7-18.
Ratts, M. J., Anthony, L., & Santos, K. N. T. (2010). The dimensions of social justice model:
Transforming traditional group work into a socially just framework. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 160–168.
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