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ARCH 4743 : Building Information Modeling: John B. Coleman Library: Off Campus Access

Credit 3 semester hours. Introduction to the fundamentals of Building InformationModeling and how they apply to the design and construction industry and a technologyenabled workforce. Introduction to the methods of creation, evaluation and exchange.

John B. Coleman Library: Off Campus Access

Off Campus Access

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For questions related to the use of library resources, please contact John B. Coleman Library Reference Department, X1535 (936-261-1535).

The following instructions pertain how to gain access from off campus.

All Faculty, Staff and Students are required to enter your network ID and network password to access the Library’s electronic resources from off campus.

Your network ID is the first part of your Prairie View A&M University e-mail address (your network ID is the part before the @ on your e-mail address) and your password is your e-mail password.

Example:   or

In this example, “jbcoleman” would be the network ID.

If your do not know your email account, please contact Help Desk at (936) 261-2525 or Toll free (877) 241-1752 for assistance.

Go to Information and Technology Services for account details.

John B. Coleman Library
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, MS 1040, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Physical Address: L.W. Minor St. / University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446
Reference: (936) 261-1535, Circulation: (936) 261-1542

Library Hours