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AGHR 4993: Special Topics – Food System in Panama : Food System in Panama: Scholarly Websites

Study of a problem affecting some aspect of the food and agricultural science industry. Reports, discussion and major paper required

Food System in Panama: Scholarly Websites

Panama working to boost production and enhance food security

Agricultural development in Panama has historically been hampered by a series of structural issues, including fragmented ownership of land, limited access to financing and deficient transport infrastructure, although efforts are now under way to change this. Former President Ricardo Martinelli – who was in office from 2009 to 2014 – designated agriculture as one of the country’s four pillars of economic growth. This emphasis on reviving the sector has gainer further impetus under Martinelli’s successor, President Juan Carlos Varela, who, soon after assuming office in 2014, unveiled a multimillion-dollar plan to boost domestic agricultural production and enhance the country’s food security.


FAO Panama 

FAO's cooperation with Panama focuses on three strategic areas: improve agricultural management efficiency, food and nutrition security and poverty reduction programmes; transform the rural sector through the development of sustainable food systems, diversification and increased productivity; boost environmental sustainability and adaptation to climate change through agro-environmental policies, strategies for sustainable management of natural resources and the management of social, economic and environmental risks.


Panama Today- News 




Panama Country Profile

Market Overview:

Euromonitor reports that Panama’s economy cooled somewhat in 2018.  The economy is supported by a recovery in construction, transport, logistics and exports from a new copper mine.  Steady gains in private consumption provide additional support.  Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth will average about 4.7% per year in 2019 to 2020, before climbing to 5.5% through 2025.


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