Reserve Services are handled at the Circulation Counter. Books, journals, journal articles and other materials in frequent demand for classes are placed on Reserve by faculty members. Most reserve materials may be used only in the library for a two (2) hour period. A valid PVAMU ID must be presented to use reserve materials. Only three (3) items may be charged from Reserve at one time. All materials borrowed from the Reserve Section must be returned to the Circulation Counter. Faculty members may place library owned material or personal copies on reserve. The Reserve Form is to be filled out for all items placed on reserves each semester even if the item is to be placed on reserve more than one semester. Faculty members are required to retrieve library material from the shelves or provide photo copies. Faculty members are requested to pick up their personal copies from the Reserves Department within three weeks after the semester has ended. Photo copies will not be returned unless previous arrangements have been made with the Reserve Coordinator. Items left after this period will be returned to the owner via campus mail to their address on file. The John B. Coleman Library is not responsible for wear, damage or lost items while on reserve or held at the Circulation Department.
Copyright Basics and Library Reserve Policies
Materials obtained from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan cannot be placed on Reserve due to copyright law. Any copies or scans done for reserves must meet the standards of fair use as outlined in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law, or have the explicit permission of the copyright holder. They should also include bibliographic information. The John B. Coleman Library also adheres to the American Library Association Interlibrary Loan Code in setting reserves policy.
What May Be Placed on Print Reserve
- Lecture notes, problem solutions, etc.
- Any circulating John B. Coleman Library item (books, videos, etc.)
- Personal copies of books or videos
- Single photocopies of articles, poems, a chapter of a book, or other short readings that meet fair use best practices as described above.
- Any material for which permission has been granted by the publisher or through the Copyright Clearance Center.
What May Not Be Placed on Print Reserve
- Photocopies of a complete book or of a substantial portion of a copyrighted work.
- “Consumable” publications such as standardized tests, exercises, or workbooks.
- Course packs produced by the Prairie View A&M University bookstore.
- Certain non-circulating items from John B. Coleman Library such as bound journals and Special Collections materials.
- Books obtained through ILL or other libraries.
(Note: It is a violation of the ILL code to obtain materials from other institutions and place them on reserve for course use. ILL is accepted by publishers as falling within fair use only when the transaction is initiated on behalf of a specific individual for that person’s own use. However, the library may accept photocopied excerpts or chapters from ILL books that fall within fair use best practices.)